And Here’s the Producer!

Karthik Kumar, the producer of The 39 Steps, made some time out of his bustling schedule to answer a few questions about this path breaking, breath taking new play. The 39 Steps is now good to go, and no one believes in it more than he does!

We: So, why this script?

KK: We chose this play because it was a bloody challenge to pull off. We know the international quality this play is being received with, and we wanted our names up there with the International productions of this play! 4 actors playing 140 parts, and the most compact and WOW-ing production design. No wonder this play is the biggest hit in Broadway and West End in the last 7 years, competing with the gigantic musical spectacles even.

We: Yes, we can see it’s going to be quite big, this play. In terms of expenditure AND success. What is in it for you,  as the producer?

KK: Whats in it for me as a producer – to show ourselves and the world what Evam can do when it sets out meticulously to create QUALITY,  and hence pitch ourselves with the original producers of this play. And on the delivery front, this campaign will be of a size and innovation like no other – with creativity in even the way we choose to set out a buzz about the play ;)

We: The buzz has definitely begun. And it doesn’t seem like it’s been a cake walk, getting here. This is clearly Evam’s biggest venture. Tell us about the journey, so far.

KK: 7 years has been filled with learnings, and we finally believe with our growing international exposure, we are ready to play with the big boys – as Producers, Aggregators & Creators. The journey is going to be taking India to the world.  And to start with, lets bring the World to India!

We: Cheers to that! Tell us.  How ready is the play? How do you think it’s shaping up?

KK: I just watched the first producer’s preview and we are READY with the play, 18 days in advance of the D-Day. Only another producer or director will understand the value of this comment :). I just watched the original production at West End with the original producers – a shrewd and revolutionary man by the name Edward Snape, and I can confidently mail him back now and tell him we are doing the show ‘full justice!’.

We: As an audience member, what can one really look forward to in this play?

KK: 4 actors in 140 parts. Go watch the sheer fun and brilliance of it, and all the while weaving a Hitchcock yarn as a tribute and yet a Comedy! It’s adorable and it’s gonna WOW your hearts out… and watch out for my cast, backstage, and production – full paisa vasoool!!!!

You heard it! Evam’s largest and most adventurous play, staging this October 29th, 30th and 31st at Sir Mutha Concert Hall, Chetpet.

Hyderabad- November! Bangalore- December!

So, gear up and get ready to believe that Hitchcock can be hilarious!!

About EVAM

Founded in 2003 by Sunil Vishnu K. and Karthik Kumar, ‘evam’ today is a profitable young thriving arts organization making people believe in the power of the Arts.
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1 Response to And Here’s the Producer!

  1. Divya says:

    Wow anna, Reading about itself makes me WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.I am sure its going to be a massive hit.

    Good luck and congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!



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